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Excellent racial inequities board game with inequality-opoly.com
Excellent racial inequities board game with inequality-opoly.com

Excellent racial inequities board game with inequality-opoly.com

Inequality-opoly : play a structural racism and sexism board game? In a world where wealth inequality is increasingly stark, Inequality-opoly serves as both a tool for self-reflection and a space for dialogue about the structural inequality in their everyday lives. As an educational tool, it opens up conversations about topics most people have been afraid to discuss: race, gender and class. The goal is for participants to be able to recognize the benefits and disadvantages of the current system and create an awareness of how structural racism and sexism affects others. Inequality-opoly can be used in schools and workplaces to promote anti-racism, diversity and inclusion. Read extra details on Inequality-opoly.

Diversity And Inclusion recommendation for today : Photos can make for great conversation icebreakers (or Zoom icebreakers in the remote world). A board full of memories related to employees’ personal important life events can create the right spark of communication. The display of such personal mementos in the professional space can speak volumes about the different aspects of employee experiences. It helps the coworkers to see the perspective of others and embrace it, which finally leads to mutual respect and dignity at the workplace.

In creating Inequality-opoly, Clemons is following in Magie’s footsteps, using a similar concept to educate the public about the inequalities that characterize our society. “My hope for Inequality-opoly is to fulfill its mission to spread awareness and advance discourse about how structural racism and sexism affect the accumulation and sustaining of wealth in America” Clemons told me in a recent conversation.

As an example, each time you pass the “Start” space, the amount of money you collect depends on your race and gender, based on U.S. wage gap data. And whenever a player lands on a “Life Event” space, they draw a card whose impact is also tied to each player’s race and gender, all of it based on statistics from the U.S. population. Life Event cards include situations such as interactions with the police, generational wealth transfer, or employment; when a card is drawn, each player consults their Identity Card to determine their specific experience.

On top of this, Black women also have greater student loan debt than Black men, white men, and white women. And Urban Institute research shows that in 2016, the typical Black woman heading a household had $0 in home equity. And white women had nearly 10 times the value of stocks and bonds as Black women. These factors contribute to the lack of wealth among older Black women as they approach retirement. Similarly, Black women earn less than white people, despite educational attainment. For example, Black women without a high school diploma earn 61 percent of the median white men’s wages, those with a bachelor’s degree earn 64 percent, and those with more than a bachelor’s degree earn just 60 percent. Read additional details on racial inequities board game.