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Investing advices today
Investing advices today

Investing advices today

Make money investing guides with Dr. Harry Hamann? Mastering Investments is for anybody who wants to invest their capital and grow it to at least 6 figures. It works, regardless of your previous knowledge, experience, age or background. The Mastering Investments course is online and consists of training videos, content slides, tools & methods. You complete it online, on your own time. You watch the videos, complete the worksheets, use the provided tools and templates. Follow the process and apply the knowledge, get results. Mastering Investments is an online course, it starts the moment you sign up. You can complete it on your own time and work through it within 4 weeks. Read additional info at Harry Hamann.

Most people know personal income tax. The tax you pay from the income of your job. This is one tax. Trust me, there so many taxes (a lot hidden), that the total tax bill is much, much higher. Examples are value added tax on the consumption of goods and services. Inflation which is hidden tax that can be 2-5%, sometimes even 10% for a couple of years. There are other special consumption taxes, for example on fuel. Your investments are taxed too, your propery as well. This is not the total tax list. The point is, if you add up all of the taxes, you easily reach a effective total tax rate of around 63%. Personal income tax might be 45%. A total tax rate of 63% means, you work 100%, the government get two-thirds of your income, and one third is for you. This is criminal. Taxation is not bad in itself, but the state could serve its citizens very well with a much lower total tax rate (10-15%).

Everyone has different goals. If you are reading this, I know you want financial success. It usually is just a tool though, to get something more. Wealth, Health, Love, Happiness. More money certainly helps to get out of the rat race or to live a more relaxed live, on your terms. It leads to Freedom. Think about your goals for a second. What are they? List them. Rank them. Pick the most important goals. What financial goal do you have? How much capital is that? Pick a number that leads to financial freedom for you. I think a good guideline is $1M (1 million). It is good to have big goals. The question is, what are you going to do about it? This is why meaning behind the goal is important.

First, let me share a little story about myself. My name, is Harry Hamann, I am a private investor and CEO of H2 Intel. I was born in Germany but I now live in Cyprus – an islands in the Mediterranean. It is beautiful and all the sunshine definitely lifts up the mood. Almost all of my capital was made from investment profits. I now invest my capital full-time. Moved to Cyprus. Enjoying my life! But friends and family saw my success and kept asking, Harry how did you do it? Show me! I thought long about it, then realized why not share it? Discover extra details on https://h2-intel.com/.

Real estate: Investors can acquire real estate by directly buying commercial or residential properties. Alternatively, they can purchase shares in real estate investment trusts (REITs). REITs act like mutual funds wherein a group of investors pool their money together to purchase properties. They trade like stocks on the same exchange. Many veteran investors diversify their portfolios using the asset classes listed above, with the mix reflecting their tolerance for risk. A good piece of advice to investors is to start with simple investments, then incrementally expand their portfolios. Specifically, mutual funds or ETFs are a good first step, before moving on to individual stocks, real estate, and other alternative investments.